Modern Apartment
Itz Soph
Modern Apartment by Itz Soph
Modern Apartment tailored for both Quest and PC! Seen in Trending! Limited Product! Get this now before time runs out!
Interactive Features:
- Taps
- Bath
- Shower
Particle Effects:
- Dust Particles
Video Player
Mirrors (x4)
UI Options:
- Sleep
- Particle Controls
- Lighting Options (Sleep)
- Customization Menu
- Settings
To unlock the full potential of Modern Apartment, additional purchases are optional:
- 【VRC UDONギミック】食べれる! 焼肉セット by Tesla Design Laboratory: Purchase Here
VRC Coffee Set by MiniGreen (Plus DLC): Purchase Here
Recommended for Modern Apartment: -
Bakery GPU Lightmapper (Unity Asset Store): Elevate the visual fidelity of your virtual environment with this lighting tool, currently available at a discounted price. Purchase Here
Project Import Instructions: To import the Modern Apartment project into your VRChat world, follow these steps:
- Download the File: Obtain the project file from the provided source.
- Ensure Compatibility: Make sure you have Creator Companion installed and are running version 2022.3.61f1
- Unzip the Folder: Use WinRAR to unzip the folder, ensuring it is named "Modern Apartment."
Open Creator Companion: Launch Creator Companion and navigate to the unzipped "Modern Apartment" folder to open the project.
Important Rules: Ensure compliance with the following rules and guidelines:
- No Claiming Ownership: Do not claim the Modern Apartment project as your own.
- No Reselling or Redistribution: Prohibited from reselling or redistributing the project.
- No Asset Usage: Refrain from using assets from the project elsewhere.
- No Refunds: All purchases are final; no refunds will be issued.
Credits Must Remain: Do not remove credits from the project.
Credits: Modern Apartment is brought to you by a talented team of creators:
- Pro TV: Architechanon
- UI Design: Reava
- String Lights: Redsim
- Blender Furniture Addon
- Quest Darkness: Smithure
- Full Asset Pack: ~Sam
- Dust Particles: Beemo
- For any inquiries or issues, please contact Itz Soph#8517.
Check out World Here Modern Apartment - VRChat
6.01 GB
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