
Modern Apartment

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Modern Apartment

6 ratings

Modern Apartment by Itz Soph

Modern Apartment tailored for both Quest and PC! Seen in Trending! Limited Product! Get this now before time runs out!



Interactive Features:

  1. Taps
  2. Bath
  3. Shower

Particle Effects:

  1. Dust Particles

Video Player

Mirrors (x4)

UI Options:

  1. Sleep
  2. Particle Controls
  3. Lighting Options (Sleep)
  4. Customization Menu
  5. Settings

To unlock the full potential of Modern Apartment, additional purchases are optional:

  1. 【VRC UDONギミック】食べれる! 焼肉セット by Tesla Design Laboratory: Purchase Here
  2. VRC Coffee Set by MiniGreen (Plus DLC): Purchase Here

    Recommended for Modern Apartment:
  3. Bakery GPU Lightmapper (Unity Asset Store): Elevate the visual fidelity of your virtual environment with this lighting tool, currently available at a discounted price. Purchase Here

Project Import Instructions: To import the Modern Apartment project into your VRChat world, follow these steps:

  1. Download the File: Obtain the project file from the provided source.
  2. Ensure Compatibility: Make sure you have Creator Companion installed and are running version 2022.3.61f1
  3. Unzip the Folder: Use WinRAR to unzip the folder, ensuring it is named "Modern Apartment."
  4. Open Creator Companion: Launch Creator Companion and navigate to the unzipped "Modern Apartment" folder to open the project.

Important Rules: Ensure compliance with the following rules and guidelines:

  • No Claiming Ownership: Do not claim the Modern Apartment project as your own.
  • No Reselling or Redistribution: Prohibited from reselling or redistributing the project.
  • No Asset Usage: Refrain from using assets from the project elsewhere.
  • No Refunds: All purchases are final; no refunds will be issued.
  • Credits Must Remain: Do not remove credits from the project.

Credits: Modern Apartment is brought to you by a talented team of creators:

  • Pro TV: Architechanon
  • UI Design: Reava
  • String Lights: Redsim
  • Blender Furniture Addon
  • Quest Darkness: Smithure
  • Full Asset Pack: ~Sam
  • Dust Particles: Beemo

  • For any inquiries or issues, please contact Itz Soph#8517.

    Check out World Here Modern Apartment - VRChat
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